Why it is still a Albeit with methods and characteristics that deserve further study for strategic purposes. You might be interest in: “Email Marketing 2022: KPIs link to Email Marketing analysis email marketing First of all. we ne to start from the concept of KPIs appli to this segment. This means that. when carrying out specific analyses. metrics and indicators are fundamental elements for determining the objective feback of the data. i.e.
As we have had the opportunity to analyse .
Why it is still a An area that has grown a lot in the pandemic era. measuring the effectiveness of initiatives asia email list link to the professional use of emails. This is reflect in the objectives: acquisition of contacts. level of satisfaction and engagement among recipients. quality of user experience. return on investments in the production and promotion of content. Following these clarifications. it is possible to continue examining the trends. thanks to the survey conduct by the MailUp Email Marketing Statistical Observatory. Within the 2022 ition.
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Why it is still a Further data emerges that must make companies’ marketing departments reflect. Email marketing trends and statistics for 2022! The three email marketing evaluation metrics email marketing The experts at the MailUp Statistical Observatory took three metrics into consideration in particular: uOR (Unique Open Rate): it is Mobile Numbers necessary to refer to the number of unique openings by the same user; uCTR (Unique Click-through Rate): refers to the number of unique clicks from the same user; CTOR (Click-through Open Rate): consists of the ratio between the number of unique clicks and unique openings.