I share with you a part of the content that I prepared for a presentation on recommendations on Linkedin, some time ago: June , at Barcelona Activa. I found it looking through my files. Index of contents At that time, the power of the professional network Linkedin was already visible. Now, in addition, it has gained popularity. Few people talked about it. Today, more documentation can be found, but recommendations on Linkedin continue to be an underused section of the professional profile. Generally, if we find professional profiles with recommendations, these are old, non-specific, or not very relevant. Or all three things at the same time. I have taken the opportunity to update the information that I created then with new contributions and ideas that I have incorporated over the years of experience. I hope you find them useful.
It was customaryto request
Professionals used to save these documents on paper so they could present them if Australia Phone Number Data necessary. In our culture, we see it differently. We may think that recommendations are relatively easy to manipulate and therefore have little value. It is part of the picaresque that characterizes us so much. Customs aside, the benefits of the recommendations far outweigh their possible harms. On Linkedin we connect with professionals who do not yet know us, and we want to earn their trust. Recommendations can be our allies to achieve this more effectively. Why recommendations on Linkedin are important Think about it. Recommendations serve to reinforce the value message you convey in your profile.
Recommendations on Linkedin
Some examples If I am looking to gain your trust, it is clear that a coherent combination Brazil Phone Number List of both approaches will be the best option to achieve this.They do not know the percentages obtained for each possible answer until they themselves have voted. And it has a meaning: not to be influenced by what the majority has said. Once they have voted, they are shown, as a percentage, the distribution of votes up to that point. However, in no case will they be able to see which specific people have voted for which option. This can only be seen by you, as the creator of the survey. People, in addition to voting for the option with which they most agree, can also use the comments to express their opinion more broadly on the issue raised.