In recent years, Zen has become one of the most popular platforms for business promotion. 23.6% of the Russian population visit Zen daily.
With the help of product or native advertising, you can effectively convey information about your product or service to the target audience without overloading it with intrusive ads. Advertising in Zen is adjuste to the interests of users, which buy phone number list makes it as relevant and easy as possible.
The platform offers a variety of formats: from text posts and articles to videos. This allows for a flexible approach to marketing tasks and expanding the customer base.
Features of the site
Advertising in Zen is built primarily around the publication of articles. This is the main format that combines accessibility, speed of creation and flexibility. Articles are cheaper and easier to produce than videos, and after launch they can be edit: change the titles, shorten the text or simplify the presentation to improve reading rates.
The site tries to show articles to those users who are most interested in them; for example, gardening enthusiasts will be offered materials on proper plant care.
A separate advantage of Zen is the unique Scroll2Site technology. It allows users to automatically go to the alessandro gamba director, business intelligence & analytics advertiser’s website if they read the article to the end. This eliminates the need for unnecessary clicks and significantly increases conversion. If the reader scrolls through the text too quickly, he is show buttons with a choice: go to the site or continue reading the Zen feed. Such flexibility makes promotion through articles an effective tool for attracting an audience.
Advertising campaigns can lead readers both to your website and to marketplaces, such as OZON or Wildberries. This is useful if sales are concentrated on third-party platforms, but in this case it is more difficult to assess the quality of traffic.
To work with a “warmed up” audience, you can set up retargeting for those who read the article but did not perform the target action. This is done through the VK Advertising account using the Yandex Audience pixel.
Zen differs from targeted advertising because here the audience itself, without the participation of the advertiser, chooses what to read. The platform’s algorithms use two approaches: semantic proximity, selecting publications for those who are interested in similar topics, and collaborative filtering, finding users with interests similar to those who have already finish reading the article or interacted with the material. Thanks to this, advertising in Zen not only helps find new clients, but also reveals unexpecte audience segments, which makes it an indispensable tool for business.
How Zen Displays Ads: Formats, Payment Models, and Auction
First of all, it is worth noting that articles are the main advertising content. Videos can also be use for advertising, but for now this format is only available in the beta version.
Speaking of articles, you can post uae phone number both native advertising materials and product articles on the Zen platform. The choice of format depends on the objectives of your advertising campaign.
- Native articles. These are usually aime at attracting the attention of a wide audience. They fit organically into the feed, generate interest and reach more users. However, their conversion into specific sales may be lower, since native publications focus more on engagement and emotional response than on a detailed presentation of the product.
Whatever article format you choose, it is important to approach content creation wisely.
Keep a balance: the text must be both interesting to keep people reading it and compelling to encourage them to take the desire action. A successful Zen article is built on three key elements: an attractive cover that immediately grabs attention, engaging content, and a well-thought-out call to action (CTA).
Research shows that the most popular formats are educational materials, customer success stories (case studies) and product reviews.
The effective length of the material is approximately 3500–6000 characters. This volume will allow you to cover the topic in detail and hold the audience’s attention. At the same time, there are no strict volume restrictions regulate the platform in the articles.
In addition to the text, you can use various visual elements: images, videos, GIF animations, which make the content more visual and interesting. Links to websites, landing pages or channels are easily integrate into the text using hyperlinks, which helps direct the audience to the necessary resources.
To collect requests, it is convenient to use Yandex Forms, which simplify the process of interaction with users and help organize responses.
If you’re just starting out, create three posts to test their effectiveness and see if the platform is right for your product.
For a more stable result, it is recommend to recommendations for launching launch about seven different publications, replacing those that do not resonate with the audience. This approach will help you understand which format works best for your target audience.
Payment models and auction
As mentioned earlier, the main promotion tool in Zen is text articles, which offer advertisers flexible payment options.
Display of advertising materials in Zen is organiz through an auction, where articles from different advertisers compete. The main criterion here is the CPM indicator, which depends on the click-through rate (CTR), the percentage of reads and the set rate. If this indicator is lower than the value set by the platform, the publication will be display less often or will stop being display at all. To increase the chances of displaying your ad, you can change the cover or title, shorten the text or increase the rate.
Payment for video
In addition, Zen has the ability to promote through video (currently in test mode). Such advertising has three payment models: for impressions, for views and for clicks. Video perfectly complements text publications, helping to retain the audience’s attention and increase interest in the product.
Videos, like texts, fit organically into the Zen feed and help to tell about the product in detail and in an exciting way. This format allows you to recommendations for launching show the product in action, highlight its strengths and clearly demonstrate its advantages.
To create effective videos, it is important to consider their length. Short videos, less than 10-15 seconds, often do not have time to interest the viewer. Zen recommends a length of 30 seconds to several minutes for greater engagement. However, if you use the brand name in the first frames, you can make the video shorter.
By default, videos start automatically recommendations for launching but without sound. To convey important information, add subtitles or bold text blocks directly to the video.