Partnership potential score:


Recommend reading: Inuit life Partnership potential score: inspires industry email list their cross-cultural love—and whale soap. Hear how a partnership built an artisanal business around cultural traditions.

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Illustration: Alice Partnership potential score: Mollon

This article was originally publish on the Shopify blog and has been publish here with permission.

From bike enthusiast to business owner
Felix: So you’ve been passionate about bikes your whole life. What made you decide to turn that passion into a business?

Mehdi: My co-founder here

Reza (my brother), and I both grew up with bikes. We were introduc to the sport as kids, just riding our bikes around like everyone else. But as we got older, we became fans of the sport. We were lucky enough to travel to France to watch Lance Armstrong win the Tour de France in his prime. We spent a few summers in Europe watching bike races, and it was something we lov. Around 2008, we start noticing a lot of our friends matthew williams it manager were riding fix gear bikes, and in the process of wanting to get these simple, cool, customizable, fun bikes, we realiz there weren’t a lot of options, and the america email ones that did exist were expensive. So we start figuring out how we could start building our own bikes and eventually start a business.

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