Jorge Soto Design Manager Specialist PG2 Front End Digital Play

contact name: Jorge Soto
contact job function details: design pg2 front end digital play
contact job function:

contact job title: Design Manager Specialist PG2 Front End Digital Play

contact job seniority: manager

contact person city: Billund

contact person state: Region Syddanmark

contact person country: Denmark

contact person zip code: 7190

business name: LEGO Group

business domain:

business facebook URL:

business linkedin:

business twitter:

business website:

list of albania whatsapp phone numbers

business angellist:

business found year:

business city: Billund

business zip code: 7190

business state:

business country: Denmark

business language: English

business employee: 6520

george villanueva ceo and founder

business category: consumer goods

business specialty: consumer experiences, educational concepts, construction toys, lego bricks, digital play experiences, consumer goods

business technology: akamai,ultradns,amazon_ses,outlook,act-on,office_365,mailjet,melbourne_it,omniture_adobe,react_js_library,microsoft-iis,wordpress_org,facebook_web_custom_audiences,google_dynamic_remarketing,bazaarvoice,google_play,dynatrace,iperceptions,asp_net,new_relic,bootstrap_framework,doubleclick_conversion,mobile_friendly,nginx

business description:



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