how to use 5 key practices

A good marketing strategy cannot be guided by “assumptions”. Professionals and companies must

have real information to define the best way to act in the market, and the conversion rate is one of the

main tools used to achieve this.

However, its applications are much broader and deeper. Data collection, while essential in any

marketing effort, is not enough to achieve results.

It is necessary to understand this information, organize it and make it compatible with the sales,

communication and relationship actions of the brand.

In this sense, we can understand the study, analysis and actions taken to increase

conversions as intelligence instruments in a business .

But what does this metric actually represent and how can you improve your results? That’s what we’ll

cover in this article. Join us!

  • Why increase conversion rate?
  • What is the relationship between conversion rate and ROI?
  • Why are your conversions low?
  • How to optimize conversion rate?
  • What practices contribute to a higher number of conversions?
  • How to increase conversion rate with the READY framework?

Why increase conversion rate? how-to-use

To increase the conversion rate of shop leads, sales, loyalty or any other indicator of success, we must

provide optimizations in the structure, design and content of the pages.

The goal of all these practices is one: to get more people to perform an action relevant to the

business .

The equation that describes the conversion rate is:

conversion rate = number of conversions / total number of users x 100

The most well-known type of conversion in the market is the sale. However, many managers tend to

understand both terms as synonyms, which is not true.

action suggested in the CTA.

We could measure, for example, the proportion of visitors who actually continue reading this article,

considering as a conversion the fact that a user continues reading after the introduction.

In this case, it would have already been “converted” – and it is worth noting that there are plugins

capable of measuring this.

In Digital Marketing , this metric is often used to measure lead conversion, but as we mentioned,

there are no restrictions on this. A content strategy can include several types of conversion, because

the purchasing process has several stages.

Thus, the increase in the conversion rate is directly related to the success of a company ,

to the extent that it corresponds to the strategic objectives selected for it.

Taking this number into account means knowing exactly how your company’s efforts are to achieve its

goals and, consequently, optimizing results.

What is the relationship between conversion rate and ROI? how-to-use

ROI , or return on investment, is the lauren [not provided] product owner, care customer experience most widely observed metric in advertising campaigns and marketing strategies and, although its application is broader, the conversion rate always dialogues with it.

In a Content Marketing strategy , several tests can be carried out throughout the stages of the purchasing process, including before and after the sale.

Thus, if we want to optimize ROI, we will have to increase the different conversion rates that are part of the communication and sales process .

In a corporate blog , for example, we can improve the conversion of several articles, such as:

  • traffic;
  • lead generation;
  • SQL (sales qualified leads);
  • sales;
  • upsell (selling superior products or larger service packages);
  • cross sell (sale of complementary products).

The beauty of customer journey mapping is that we can orchestrate the development of optimizations – keeping in mind that each outcome influences the others.

In this way, we “refine” the entire process, step by step, to execute the strategy in the best possible way and, consequently, improve ROI.

Why are your conversions low? how-to-use

Before learning how to increase italy numbers your conversions, it is essential that you understand the possible causes that have been affecting them.

Below we list some of the main ones. The goal is to help you identify or assume which ones occur on your pages and run tests to determine whether or not this is actually a problem on your website.

Your website is not responsive how-to-use

Even the best website can see its conversions compromised if it is not adapted to different types of devices, such as smartphones and tablets.

Nowadays, people spend more time online on their smartphones than on regular computers. This behavior has become so common that it has become the main way of accessing the Internet, which is confirmed when we realize that more than half of Google searches are done on mobile devices.

In this sense, the function of responsiveness is to allow your pages to be viewed at any resolution, without distortions .

In other words, it is a way to ensure that your users have a pleasant experience on your pages, prolonging their time on the website and even increasing their willingness to become a lead.

The value proposition is not clear

A value proposition establishes the competitive differential of a company compared to its competitors.

Despite its importance for sales success, many entrepreneurs do not clearly define this concept , or do not include this information on their pages, which results in lost business opportunities.

For potential customers, the value proposition acts as a quick guide to the company, making explicit what it does and who that product or service is aimed at and whether it can be the best option for that user’s problems.

Making this information clear and objective helps in the purchasing process and makes the path easier for the potential buyer.

The CTA does not convince the user how-to-use

The CTA is the heart of conversion . In short, all content on a page should aim to direct the user to a CTA.

This CTA can be:

  • a button to perform a product test;
  • make a purchase;
  • send a form
  • download content;
  • inter alia.

If users aren’t clicking on your CTA, a few tweaks to the visual and text can go a long way toward increasing conversions.

Check, for example, whether the CTA makes its objective clear, whether it is properly highlighted from the rest, in harmony with the design, and whether it really delivers what it promises.

There are many obstacles to conversion how-to-use

Every element of a website has a huge influence on conversion, but nothing interferes more, positively or negatively, than unnecessary steps and excessive elements .

Popups, banners, forms, and chatbots are just a few examples that, if overused or misapplied, can undermine user experience and drive away potential customers.

If you use some of these resources on your pages, make sure they are placed naturally and that they fulfill their objective without “interrupting” the visitor’s process too much, always focusing on the real objective: conversion .

A study by Hubspot reveals that the ideal form to increase conversions should have only 3 fields of information . Although it is not a rule, it is something very interesting to keep in mind.

Copywriting is not efficient how-to-use

Copywriting is about effectively transmitting the message to the user. Its objective is to guide the user to make the conversion, always taking into account what will be said, how and when.

Good writing requires a structure of content on the page so that it makes sense to the reader , considering what their expectations are about the text in question.

Here we separate some precautions to take into account:

  • be pleasant to the public;
  • assess the ease of reading;
  • remove unnecessary information from the page;
  • seek to persuade the user so that their conversion journey is effective.

It is important to remember that the evolution of copywriting for the digital environment is UX writing, which is a fundamental strategy to ensure that your language is consistent with the arrangement of the elements in the interface.

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