Firestarters Should Look

for in a Business Firestarters Should Look Partner c level executive list or Co-Founder
While you work well in social situations, you’re not the type to be tied down. Look for partnership opportunities that are relatively hands-off. That way, you still have time to work on other angles. You may be the one who can bring a great idea to life before letting a cartographer or outsider run the day-to-day business operations. Be wary of partnerships that tie you to one opportunity and don’t allow you to diversify.

Climbers can also be great Firestarters Should Look partners

because you’re both equally motivated by creativity, but with complementary strengths. They have a growth-minded personality and are best suited to iterating on successful ideas you come up with.

Partnership potential score:

? Recommended reading: From high school sweethearts to serial entrepreneurs. Learn how to balance life and work from two experienced business owners.

Illustration of the Outsider logo As an audrey jones manager baaa information technology outsider, you’re usually alone on the road to entrepreneurship. No co-pilot needed—you’re born with an inner GPS. Goal: A stable and secure career. But what if america email you want more? Even if you’re not a people person, there are people who can help make positive changes in your business.

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