Common Blockage Point Causes

If you have a startup company and have just enter the market, one of the main issues with acquisition funnels is that you haven’t found the right market or product fit. You have to figure out if this is the problem. The wrong diagnosis can lead your management team to waste money and time on marketing and sales that aren’t a good fit and don’t produce the desir results.

The right way to handle this is by focusing all your attention and energy on solving the market or product fit. While doing this, limit how Lesotho B2B List much you spend on marketing and sales to the minimum amount requir to ensure good customer interactions and see where your customer has the highest levels of urgency and pain you can offer a solution to.

At this point, it’s important to conserve your cash and continue paying for product development to create a product that fits the current market ne.

Beyond the Product or Market Fit

Another common blockage is that you hope your customers will do something they haven’t been motivat to do.

For example, you hope that people visit your site in droves. However, you didn’t take the right steps to ensure they were aware of your site. Not only that, but you haven’t provid a source of motivation or a reason that they would want to visit in the first place.

Take some time to review your website. You may discover its way to sales-orient and doesn’t provide any value to someone who may be interest in buying what you offer.

Another issue is if you want prospects to fill out an online registration form and provide contact information but haven’t provid assurance you won’t spam your new registrars down the road.

Usually, this occurs because businesses create a customer acquisition strategy bas on their view of things rather than understanding the customer’s buying process and their concerns at every stage.

Solving Common Blockage Points in Your Acquisition Funnel

After figuring out what your blockage points are in customer acquisition, you ne to start solving them. An effective way is by getting into your customer’s heads and knowing the concerns they have at different stages of your sales process.

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Some of the most common customer concerns include:

Each of the concerns above represents a source of friction in your sales process. If you can map these out clearly and write them down, it will give you the information ne for taking the next step, which includes studying different things that may motivate them to take action or the next step in the process.

Look at the concerns as the friction in the Mobile Numbers process. The motivations are the pulling forces you can use to overcome these sources of friction.

The key is finding the right source of motivation to overcome the concerns your prospects have. The motivation has to be powerful enough to get clients to continue moving forward in your sales process. At this point, bringing in your most creative thinkers to come up with solutions is a must.

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