Yndvfz [Not Provided]

contact name: Yndvfz [Not Provided]
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business name: Huawei

business domain: huawei.com

business facebook URL: http://www.facebook.com/huaweidevice

business linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/company/3014

business twitter: http://www.twitter.com/HuaweiPress

business website: http://www.huawei.com

tunisia email list

business angellist: http://angel.co/huawei

business found year: 1987

business city:

business zip code:

business state:

business country:

business language: English,Spanish,Chinese,Japanese,Russian,English

business employee: 51806

george prendergast president and ceo

business category: telecommunications

business specialty: consumer devices, information & communications technology ict, ict, enterprise solutions, carrier network, telecommunications

business technology: akamai,cloudflare_dns,cloudflare_hosting,taleo,adobe_cq,omniture_adobe

business description: Huawei is a global leader in telecoms with a great range of products including mobile phones, tablets, wearables, broadband devices and home devices.



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