Masoud Mehrdadfar Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Corporate Banking and Credits

contact name: Masoud Mehrdadfar
contact job function details: deputy ceo corporate banking credits
contact job function:

contact job title: Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Corporate Banking and Credits

contact job seniority: c_suite

contact person city: Tehran

contact person state: Tehran

contact person country: Iran

contact person zip code:

business name: EN Bank (Eghtesad Novin)

business domain:

business facebook URL:

business linkedin:

business twitter:

business website:

hospitals email list

business angellist:

business found year:

business city:

business zip code:

business state:

business country: Iran

business language:

business employee: 100

george lemnaru cofounder and ceo

business category:

business specialty:

business technology: google_analytics,asp_net,google_maps

business description: ?ⁿ???║?Σ?Φ?¼?╟ε?τ?║?Φ ?ⁿ???τ?σ?╗?Φ , ?½?╗?α?║?¼ ?┐?║?σ???Φ, ?????┐ , ?║???¼?┐?║?? ?σ?Ω?Φ?σ, ?α?Ω?┐?║?Φ?Σ ?┐?║?σ??, ?????╗?║?½?¼ ?Θ?┐??, ???║???  ?║?Φ???║?σ???Σ, ???????╗?τ ?╗???║???Φ, ?┐?║?σ???╗?║???Φ ?║?Σ???¼???Ω?σ?Φ???Φ, ???Ω?╗, ???τ?║?α,???τ?║?α?╗?║???║?σ



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