Pedro Blanco Pinto Country Manager Mexico

contact name: Pedro Blanco Pinto
contact job function details: country mexico
contact job function:

contact job title: Country Manager Mexico

contact job seniority: manager

contact person city: Mexico City

contact person state: Mexico City

contact person country: Mexico

contact person zip code:

business name: BPC

business domain:

business facebook URL:

business linkedin:

business twitter:

business website:

new zealand whatsapp shopping data

business angellist:

business found year: 1995

business city: Baar

business zip code:

business state: Canton of Zug

business country: Switzerland

business language: English,Spanish,Russian

business employee: 360

george charokopos ceo

business category: finance

business specialty: payment processing software, fraud management, internet banking, mcommerce, ecommerce, emv migration, loyalty programs, financial services

business technology: pardot,nginx,google_analytics,drupal,bootstrap_framework,mobile_friendly,perfect_audience,marin

business description: We create technologies that inspire business to drive change and inspire progress for people everywhere. Founded in 1995, with our HQ in Switzerland, BPC is independent and a world leader in payment solutions. We are the developer of the market-leading SmartVista.



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